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How to roast marshmallows on a smokeless fire pit?

by Carolyn Owen 11 Dec 2023 0 Comments

Roasting marshmallows on a smokeless fire pit is a delightful activity that combines the joy of an open flame with the sweet treat of marshmallows. 

Here are some tips for roasting marshmallows on a smokeless fire pit:

  1. Use Clean-Burning Fuel: If you're using a wood-burning smokeless fire pit, choose dry and well-seasoned firewood. For propane fire pits, ensure the propane is clean-burning.

  2. Wait for a Stable Flame: Allow the fire pit to reach a stable flame before attempting to roast marshmallows. This ensures a consistent heat source for even roasting.

  3. Use Skewers or Roasting Sticks: Use long roasting sticks or skewers to hold the marshmallows. Make sure the sticks are clean and safe for use around an open flame.

  4. Adjust the Flame: For propane fire pits, you can typically control the flame height. Adjust the flame to the desired level for roasting—moderate flames work well for marshmallow roasting.

  5. Roast Over the Flame: Hold the marshmallow over the flame, rotating it consistently to ensure even browning. Be mindful of the heat and avoid letting the marshmallow catch fire.

  6. Be Patient: Roast the marshmallow to your preferred level of doneness. Some people prefer a golden brown exterior, while others like a charred or crispy outer layer.

  7. Prepare S'mores: Once the marshmallow is roasted to your liking, you can sandwich it between chocolate and graham crackers to make delicious s'mores.

  8. Safety First: Exercise caution when roasting marshmallows. Keep a safe distance from the flame, and be aware of the heat generated by the fire pit.

Remember that safety is paramount when using any fire pit, even smokeless ones. Follow the manufacturer's guidelines for safe operation, and take necessary precautions to prevent burns or accidents. Additionally, check local regulations regarding open fires, and always supervise children around the fire pit. Enjoy your marshmallow-roasting experience on your smokeless fire pit!

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